Balance: Couple Budget & Money

by Wellcode S.r.l.s.



#1 Fastest Couple Budget & Money App.Easily track your couple finance, expenses & bills with Balance in a few seconds thanks to its blazing fast technology and categorization system, inspired by the japanese traditional family finance kakebo.“Finally a couple budget app that my partner enjoys using!” - Jane & KevinYou need to track your couple expenses but hate doing it? With Balance you can define and monitor your family budget in a snap:1. Register and invite your partner2. Define a monthly shared budget3. Add your shared expenses with our blazing fast categorization systemTrack your couple’s finances in several different categories and define your 4 favorites.Balance is the easiest app to track your couple budget and money with new amazing features coming in the next weeks.### EARLY BIRD PROMO ###Activate your 7 days of Trial and then upgrade with a 30% off on yearly premium subscription.